Michael Murray is now officially a member of the Artiq artist collective
and will be supplying and creating art in collaboration with Artiq for
clients and projects globally.

Artiq Art Advisory Collaboration

Happy New Year | Best 9 of 2023
My best 9 from 2023. Includes some really cool industrial abstract aviation art for The Condor build to rent project in Derby for Grainger PLC, and a new industrial abstract collection, The Spring Collection, which is a contemporary art series available on request, and made to order. Can be sold individually or as a set. Bespoke pieces can also be designed.
I'm very proud of all of these hence the inclusion into the best 9. More to come in 2024.
Happy New Year and thank you to all the people involved. Robert Brown , Lucia Mills, Richard Demby, Sjaana Veltman, Kate Easterling, Sarah Norstrom, Leesa Ingham, Fiona McDonald, Cast Interiors, 74, Grainger PLC.